Outage phone number

Outage phone number

11-10-2016 20:12:42 - 12-10-2016 18:25:00
Status: resolved

At this moment we are unreachable through our regular phone number due to emergency maintenance of our supplier. If you need to contact us and are unable to reach us on our regular number you can dial +31 (0)26 3724617 and leave a message. We will contact you as soon as possible.
Update placed at 12-10-2016, 09:10
Our SIP (phone) provider is under attack of a DDOS. As a result our regular phone number is unavailable. Please use the "Call me" button on top of this page and other pages at our website to contact us during office hours. Furthermore you can contact us by email on info@bit.nl or through chat using the "Chat" button on top op this page.
Update placed at 12-10-2016, 18:20
Our SIP (phone) provider informed us that their counter measures against the attack prove to be effective, BIT is reachable on the regular phone number again.