Outage phone number

Outage phone number

13-10-2016 09:06:20 - 13-10-2016 11:30:20
Status: resolved

At this moment we are unreachable through our regular phone number due to a suspected disturbance at our supplier. If you need to contact us and are unable to reach us on our regular number you can dial +31 (0)26 3724617 and leave a message. We will contact you as soon as possible.

Please use the "Call me" button on top of this page and other pages at our website to contact us during office hours. Furthermore you can contact us by email on info@bit.nl or through chat using the "Chat" button on top op this page.

Our VoIP customers are also affected by this disturbance of our supplier.

Follow the incident on our website for updates concerning this incident.

Update placed at 13/10/2016, 09:20
We contacted our supplier. This disturbance originated from anti DDoS measures that are adjusted too tight.
Update placed at 13/10/2016, 11:30
Our supplier has indicated that the problems originated from DDoS attacks and too tight anti DDoS measures. There are no DDoS attack at this moment, but it is not possible to predict or to prevent these attacks could happen in the coming days. Our supplier has indicated that they have made progress in fighting these attacks and minimizing the impact on the services.

The incident has been resolved. If you have any questions regarding this incident, please contact the Customer Care department by phone on +31 (0)318 648 688 or by email on support@bit.nl.