Emergency maintenance MSSQL servers and Shared Windows hosting platform

Emergency maintenance MSSQL servers and Shared Windows hosting platform

13-09-2017 00:00:00 - 13-09-2017 07:00:00

On Wednesday 13th of September between 0.00 and 07.00hrs we will perform emergency maintenance.

Since the disruption on the MSSQL cluster last Thursday it is unsure if the automatic failover of the cluster is working properly. With this maintenance we will restore the cluster in a proper state where the automatic failover will function as expected.

* The domain controllers for our Windows hosting platform will be updated with the latest Windows patches.

* The storage nodes of our Windows hosting platform will be updated with the latest Windows patches. This will cause several switches between master-nodes. During these switchovers websites on the Windows hosting platform can be unreachable for several seconds.

* The webservers for our Windows hosting platform will be updated with the the latest Windows patches. Websites on the Windows hosting platform are less redundant during this maintenance.

* The MSSQL cluster servers will be updated with the latest updates and MSSQL service packs. This will cause several switchovers between master-nodes. During these switches MSSQL 2008 or 2012 databases and all MSSQL Instances can be unreachable for a short period of time.

If you have any questions regarding this maintenance, please contact the Customer Care department on +31 (0)318 648 688 or on support@bit.nl.