Replacement of core routers

Replacement of core routers

14-07-2016 00:00:00 - 14-07-2016 06:00:00

On Thursday, July 14th between 0.00h and 6.00h we will perform network maintenance. During this maintenance we will replace our two core routers in BIT-1 and BIT-2 one by one. At this moment we're still using two loan models from our vendor due to the network problems we encountered earlier this year. In this maintenance window we will replace these loan models with our own new routers, which are of exactly the same brand and model.

Before replacing the routers we will offload traffic to other paths, so we do not expect any disruptions in customer connections. Customers who use BGP to exchange routing information with us will see BGP sessions with our routers go offline turn by turn.

If you have questions or comments regarding this maintenance, please contact our Customer Care Department on +31 (0)318 648 688 or
Update placed at 02:45
The router at BIT-1 has been replaced. A short disruption of a couple of seconds during replacement has been noticed.
Update placed at 05:01
The router at BIT-2 has also been replaced. No disruption has been noticed during swap. All changes and connections are now checked for errors.