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What is it like to work at BIT?
A little while ago our colleague Stefan Kooman was interviewed by HYPR: Hosting Your PR on what it is like for him to work at BIT.
Quality over money
Stefan starts by telling us about the business that is BIT: “We have two pillars: data center services and network services. On top of these services, we provide some extra value in support and maintenance. For example, we can take over monitoring or management of system backups from a client.” BIT focuses on the corporate clients, in particular the bigger businesses in the SMEs. “We are active in the segment were quality is more important than money,” he says. “We are a relatively small data center, but we manage everything ourselves, including the buildings with the network infrastructure. That allows us to guarantee a good quality from A to Z. It also means that the communication chains are short. We are all on the same floor and everyone knows each other. In case of outages or questions from clients it is a real plus that we can communicate directly.” Stefan talks about the technique that is the basis of their servicing. “We are a technically driven business that gets their products and services from that technical field. It is like a bottom-up approach, which means that, as a technician, you can also exert some influence in the business. If you can show that something is useful for a client, we will develop and sell it. Initiative like that is absolutely appreciated. If you invent something yourself, there is no better compliment than a client using it in their business.”
Functioning as one team
BIT has about 35 employees around the age of 30. Technique is the binding factor, according to Stefan. “We all have a technical interest and are curious to know how things work. Because of the personal interest in IT, we have often developed ourselves in that area and we truly do our job with pleasure.” He says that BIT really functions as one team: “When there is a problem, for example a cooling or power outage, everyone comes online on IRC. It does not matter if this happens in the middle of the night or in the weekends. We all help to fix it: sales, customer care, engineers and even the CTO. This shows how involved we all are.” According to Stefan, BIT’s clear guidelines contribute to this. “The entire company works with one clear guideline: this what we do and this is how we do it. We need to, because we work with an ISO 27001 and NEN 7510 certification. All noses are pointed in the same direction and the business backs you up. That is important to me. If you work according to the guidelines, you always know that the management supports you.” BIT has an informal atmosphere with short communication chains. He talks about a BIT-culture. “We are stubborn. It takes a certain kind of person to thrive here. Not everyone will feel at home here, but technicians like the BIT-culture.”
People that are open to learning and improving
BIT is currently looking for a Linux-engineer. Stefan says that the candidates need to be strong on both the detail levels as the main levels to fix problems. “We are a relatively small team and we do a lot. Not just for clients but for our own systems as well. That is why we are looking for someone who is good at analysing and solving problems. But you will have to be able to keep the big picture in mind as well because your work can influence other systems too.” No less important is your ‘mind set’, says Stefan. “You have to be open to learn and improve. That is why it is important to be critical about yourself and be able to handle criticism from others. We need someone that is up for the task and dares to take responsibility. We like to see a confident person.”
We like real and pure
At the end of the interview, Stefan wants to say the following to the applicants. “You don’t have to be different from who you are. We like real and pure, straight-up and honest people. It is important that you are able to explain why you are doing something. That goes for your hobby’s as well. We like to hear about how you handled and resolved issues yourself. We will not lead you through it all at BIT.”
Jobs at BIT
At the moment we have several job openings. Are you interested? Send your application letter and CV to vacancy@bit.nl! It is a given that applications and CVs in the .docx format stand no chance. If you have any questions about the position, please contact us on +31 (0)318 648 688.
Acquisition based on this vacancy is not appreciated.