EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE replacement of leaf-sw3.bit-2b

EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE replacement of leaf-sw3.bit-2b

21-07-2020 00:00:00 - 21-07-2020 06:00:00

Urgency: Emergency
Affected services: Network connections on leaf-sw3.bit-2b
Expected impact: Network connections for customers connected to this switch will be disrupted for several minutes
Customer intervention required: No
Reference number: 169546


Datacenter switch "leaf-sw3.bit-2b" wil be replaced by a spare switch to prevent a possible outage.


Because this switch is logging disk errors, we will replace it as soon as possible. At this moment the switch is functioning normally, but we want to be sure it is replaced before any problems occur.

You can verify if you are connected to this switch by checking if "leaf-sw3.bit-2b" is mentioned on your invoice or in your network statistics, which can both be found on the BIT Portal.