Maintenance UPS sets BIT-2D

Maintenance UPS sets BIT-2D

30-05-2023 07:00:00 - 01-06-2023 17:30:00

Urgency: Planned
Affected services: Equipment in BIT-2D
Expected impact: Geen
Customer intervention required: No
Reference number: 183938


From Tuesday 30 May to Thursday 1 June, our supplier will perform maintenance on the UPS sets in BIT-2D between 07:00 and 17:30. During the maintenance, the batteries of the A-feed will be partially replaced, while the B-feed will be completely replaced.


During the maintenance, 25% of the batteries will be disconnected at a time. The UPS sets are designed in a modular way, so 75% of the battery capacity for each feed will still be available. This capacity is sufficient to handle a power outage from the grid for approximately 20 minutes. The replacement process will start with the entire B-feed being replaced step by step, followed by a gradual replacement of a portion of the A-feed.

In the unlikely event that the feed of a particular UPS set is interrupted during the maintenance, the other feed will remain operational. We strongly advise you to double-check if all your equipment is connected to both feeds.