Maintenance phone system

Maintenance phone system

10-06-2023 13:00:00 - 23-05-2023 16:12:00

Urgency: Planned
Affected services: Phone accessibility BIT
Expected impact: General number less reachable
Customer intervention required: No
Reference number: 183153


Our phone system will be replaced. This may temporarily affect reachability through the general number. If the general number is not available, you can still reach us via the emergency number. This number can be found on our website,


Our current phone system will be replaced with a new system. there is a possibility of reduced reachability through the general number. If you cannot reach us via the general number, you can also call us on the emergency number. The emergency number can be found on the contact page of the BIT website. Rest assured that our monitoring system will remain active, ensuring immediate action for any notifications that would typically be forwarded.

Update placed at 10/06/2023, 16:12h
This maintenance was completed succesfully at 16.12h. If you have any questions regarding this maintenance, please contact the Customer Care department by phone on +31 (0)318 648 688 or by email on