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Black building emergency power test BIT-1
Urgency: Planned
Affected services: Colocatie BIT-1
Impact: Main power grid BIT-1
Customer intervention required: No
Reference number: 191728
On Tuesday, June 4th between 5:00 hrs and 7:00 hrs we will perform a black building emergency power test at BIT-1.
During this maintenance, we will switch off the main power grid for the entire location BIT-1 for 60 minutes, in order to test our emergency power systems. During this test, engineers of BIT will be monitoring the situation on multiple locations and will, if the need should arise, intervene. We will perform a deep battery discharge test in the days leading up to the black building test. This is done because we will also run on battery before running on power generators. This discharge test will be performed on both feeds separately.