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Colocation | Cross connects
Fibre optics are playing an increasingly bigger role inside the data centers, but also in the outside world. Think about Fibre to the Office (FttO), Fibre to the Home (FttH) etc. The demand for bandwidth is growing. We like to help you think about when you need connections. Cross connects on another route, to another party, or to other racks? Piece of cake.
Quick re-patch
Our racks are set up with six CAY5E UTP cross connects to the MeetMe racks on the same floor. This means that connections can be patched to other party and to other racks quite quickly. We can even provide you with a custom fibre optic connection; completely catered to our clients’ wishes.
Almost all cross connects that are requested within our data center, run through the MeetMe racks (also fibre optic). This enables us to change a patch to another route, another party or one of your other racks; which happens a lot for consolidation of racks. If required, we can install direct cross connects between your racks, without interference of our MeetMe racks or backbone between the floors. Do keep in mind that such connections cannot be rerouted in a second when it comes to moving, faults or consolidation. What is important when requesting cross connects, is to think about possible future plans; “Do we need more connections in a few weeks?”, “Can I finance future patches in this project?” or “What are our expectations on growth rates?”. A big advantage of patches at BIT is that they only have one-off costs.
Carrier neutral
Our data centers are carrier neutral (also called network neutral). This means that, in addition to our own network, loads of other networks are available in the data centers. These suppliers often have multiple connections from their rack to one or more of our MeetMe racks to be able to provide other connections quickly. Think about Eurofiber, KPN, Ziggo, NL-ix, TReNT, UNET, Atom86, NDIX and more.
Patches between jointed racks can be made by removing the walls (BIT-2A) between the racks or by installing a hatch between the racks (BIT-1 and BIT-2BCD). The opening between the racks can be limited, so you can not “just” connect a 144 port switch in the one rack with CAT6A to the adjoining rack.
Single mode or multimode
Fibre optic connections are, if possible, installed on the patch panel under the rack, on LC/PC, to ensure neatness and to keep the administration for you and for us as clear as possible. A patch cable for the last yards in the rack is provided by us, of course.
We have redundant fibre optic cables between all different floors and buildings, so double connections can also be installed indoors if required.
BIT offers a standard single mode fibre optic, unless a client requests otherwise (multimode OM3/4). This is also a point of particular interest when ordering a new platform, so you can immediately get the right transceivers as well.
Are you unsure about what to order in terms of fibre or connector? Please contact us and we will be happy to help you decide.
By: Eelco Bel