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NPO 3 dedicates two weeks to privacy
18-10-2016 14:42:43
Online privacy is a contentious issue that has been a topic or debate for many years already, even in political debates. Fact remains that governments or businesses in this golden age are alive when it comes to data. Never before so much has been publically shared. Our privacy is under pressure, because we do not want to share everything.
As of this week television network NPO 3 is dedicating two weeks to the topic of privacy. What do we actually know about our online privacy and how important is it to us? Everyone has to deal with this daily. NPO 3 is airing programmes like Hunted, classes of the University of the Netherlands and many documentaries in which several aspects of privacy are being highlighted. More information on the content of these programmes can be found on https//www.bit.nl/npo-privacy.
We would like to give you some tips too!
By: Larissa Wiedeman
As of this week television network NPO 3 is dedicating two weeks to the topic of privacy. What do we actually know about our online privacy and how important is it to us? Everyone has to deal with this daily. NPO 3 is airing programmes like Hunted, classes of the University of the Netherlands and many documentaries in which several aspects of privacy are being highlighted. More information on the content of these programmes can be found on https//www.bit.nl/npo-privacy.
We would like to give you some tips too!
1) Use a secure connection
Since January 2016, the obligation to report data leaks has been enforced and the processor of personal data can be held responsible for these data leaks. By using a secure HTTPS connection, it is prevented that privacy sensitive information can be used with malicious intent.2) Use DNSSEC
If a malicious user manages to alter the DNS information on the name-server, during transfer or with the client, he can send the internet user to an identical but fake webserver (DNS spoofing). The user has no way of noticing: the website in an exact copy and even the lock sign is present. This intercepts login, personal or business data. DNSSEC protects the name server and the transport of the DNS information. This is a guarantee for the user that his internet traffic gets to the right place.3) The weakest link: man
ICT security is only as strong as its weakest link. And even though hackers attack networks on a daily basis, practice shows this is not the greatest threat though; much trouble can be prevented with technology. The weakest link is still the user. An employee reacting on a phishing email, typing in his or her email address on random websites and lost or lingering USB sticks containing confidential information are just a few examples.By: Larissa Wiedeman