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Behind the scenes:
The existing generators (3x800kVA) provide sufficient capacity to supply all of BIT's datacenter with emergency power. But with the establishment of BIT-2D, the need for generators with a larger capacity is increasing. That is why we chose to upgrade to 3x1250kVA. This sounds like a simple task, but entails a lot of details that need to be taken into account, from the correct settings for the fuses up to the entire logistics system.
In the past six weeks, we have worked closely with Bredenoord to prepare the upgrade as best as possible. The people that will be performing this maintenance, have done several previous upgrades and maintenance windows.
En then it is April 28, the day of the maintenance. Two 2150kVA generators are prepared on site, including GTL fuel tanks. We go through the day's schedule one more time. The third generator arrives on site early evening. All gear is set up and the maintenance can start in few hours. Around 23.00, the Bredenoord staff is present and we discuss the schedule one more time and start installing the crane, roll out the cables and provide enough light around 23.30. We can start!
We start emergency generator three, we pull out the 2500A fuse and measure everything so we can safely replace the emergency generator. Outside, people are busy disconnecting the old generator, so we have enough room to connect the extra cables to the new generator. When the new cabling is connected outside, the new generator is hoisted in place. Because the new generators are longer, they need to be placed at a carefully marked spots to ensure they do not hinder each other. After connecting the first generator, the fuses are pulled in again and everything is tested and measured before starting on the next generator. Around 03.00, the maintenance on this first generator is finished and after a short coffee break, the other two follow.
Despite the predefined schedule, the maintenance takes a little longer than planned. Around 08.30, all three replacements haven been carried out and a stringent check on all generators is done. To be sure everything works as it should, we perform a power check like the ones we do every month. Before, we supplied 1.9MW back to the grid, at the moment this could be 2.7MW if the need arises.
Around 09.30, the maintenance is completely finished and we have upgraded from 3x800kVA to 3x1250kVA. Everything is cleaned up and the old generators and tanks are picked up by Bredenoord. We look back on a successful maintenance, partly due to the expert people from Bredenoord.