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Separate building for new emergency power generators
Last year we decided to replace the existing emergency power generators from BIT-2BCD with new ones. We started building in the beginning of this year and by now the new generators are part of the emergency power supply of BIT-2BCD.
Our clients expect a continuous service to make sure systems can be online 24/7 and important data will not be lost. Every minute of downtime can cost thousands of euros. To be able to guarantee availability it is important that the corporate environment where the equipment is located is equipped with the best infrastructure and the newest techniques. This does require constant innovation to keep guaranteeing continuity.
Advantages new emergency power generators
With the growth of our datacenters, the capacity of the emergency power supply has to grow too. Where the previous generators had a capacity of 3x1250kVA, the new generators can generate 3x1750kVA. That is the highest capacity available at the moment and is more than sufficient to provide BIT-2BCD with emergency power. The new generators are also equipped with a smart control. The machines are digitally managed instead of analogous. Because of this adaptation, we can monitor the activity better and have more control over the generators. In addition, the capacity of the new diesel tanks is a big advantage. The old setup had a capacity of 3x5500 litres, which is increased up to 3x15000 litres. These diesel tanks are situated in closed fire compartments, so in a separate setup.
Returning energy to the power grid
Until April 2015, we had 3x800kVA of power to our disposal, which generated 1,9MW. In May 2015 we switched to the bigger generators (3x1250kVA) and returned 2,7MW to the power grid. Now we have even more powerful generators (more capacity, 3x1750kVA) so we are returning 3,5MW to the power grid. Our capacity has grown over the last 2-3 years. This can be explained by the increasing demand in our datacenter. Our emergency power supply is N+1 (Need plus One), or redundant. This redundancy ensures that all functionalities can be continued in case of a possible interruption.
Do you want to see the new generators in ‘real life’? Please feel free to contact us for a tour by one of our engineers.