Emergency maintenance upload.bit.nl

Emergency maintenance upload.bit.nl

06-10-2023 10:30:07 - 06-10-2023 11:30:07

Urgency: Urgent
Affected services:
- Upload server of the shared Linux hosting platform
Expected impact:
- The upload server of the shared Linux hosting platform will be unavailable for a short period of time
- Cronjobs scheduled during this maintenance might not be executed
Customer intervention required: No
Reference number: 187282

The upload server will be restarted. As a result, the server will be unavailable for a short period of time. This will not affect the availability of your website(s) on our platform.

To fix a problem in the shared filesystem CephFS, it's necessary to upgrade the kernel and restart the upload server. This will cause the upload server to be unavailable for a few minutes. Cronjobs which are scheduled in the maintenance window might not be executed.