Outage phone number

Outage phone number

11-10-2016 00:36:51 - 11-10-2016 11:44:51
Status: resolved

At this moment we are unreachable through our regular phone number. We are contacting our supplier to find what is causing this problem. If you need to contact us you can dial +31 (0)26 3724617 and leave a message. Our personal will contact you as soon as possible after that.
Update placed at 10/11/2016, 09:00
Our telephone number is still unavailable. Our SIP provider is investigating the matter. Until this problem gets resolved you can contact us by email on info@bit.nl, by chatsupport on this page or through our message service on +31 26 3724617.
The incident has been resolved. If you have any questions regarding this incident, please contact the Customer Care department by phone on +31 (0)318 648 688 or by email on support@bit.nl.